Tax advisory and tax/financial consulting services

  1. Corporate advising

    In addition to general accounting and tax advising services on topics such as monthly settlement of accounts, auditing, and tax returns, we also offer advisory services to realize clients’ management strategies or resolve management issues they face, supporting our clients in a wide range of areas.

  2. Various tax returns

    We handle a wide range of tax returns including those for ordinary corporate taxes, resident’s tax, enterprise tax, and consumption tax.

  3. International tax

  4. Corporate reorganizations

  5. M&A services

  6. Support for adoption of consolidated taxation systems

    Verifying effects of adoption

    We review the benefits and drawbacks of adopting consolidated taxation and conduct simulations of the effects of its adoption. We also review the impact on accounting figures, including deferred tax assets.

    Practical support for beginning adoption

    Adoption of consolidated taxation can involve considerable burdens, especially during the first fiscal year. Our support enables efficient adoption of consolidated taxation with the minimal burden.

    Support menu: Consolidated taxation

    • Support for advance preparations (prior notices, internal training, etc.)
    • Tax calculation/review (including trial support)
    • Tax return preparation/review
    • Account processing support (tax-effect accounting), etc.
  7. Tax compliance services

  8. Tax/financial consulting

    (1) General services

    We deliver comprehensive support for the tax and financial topics our clients face, including advising on processing of daily operations and taxes as well as handling tax audits.
    We respond swiftly to consultation requests, by telephone, email, and other means.
    In addition, our settlement of accounts and tax-return services strive to prevent any errors through means including providing in-house checklists and having operations and checking conducted by multiple staff members.

    (2) Responding to systemic reforms/provision of information

    Our entire organization quickly collects and analyzes information on systemic reforms including annual changes to tax systems. This enables us to consider and propose individualized policies suited to clients’ needs.
    We also hold in-house seminars for clients as needed. These, combined with our bulletin Message, provide information on subjects including systemic reforms and the latest relevant topics.

    (3) One-stop services

    We put to use the domestic and international network of the Group, including member consulting firms, law offices, and judicial scriveners’ offices, to provide one-stop support for a wide range of tasks.

  9. Management planning/implementation consulting


Feel free to contact us with any inquiries on taxes, accounting, etc.

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